Accel-RF Corporation recommends the following schedule for preventative maintenance. Consult OEM documents where available for detailed product information on the “third party” instruments supplied with the AARTS.
Table: Preventive Maintenance Schedule

Cleaning of the AARTS system should consist of checking for loose debris and excessive build up of dust in the air-flow ducts. Cleaning should consist of wiping the dusty areas with a dry cloth and removing the debris.
Connector repair and replacement
The RF input and output connectors and 9 pin D-sub connectors on the DUT fixtures or DUT chamber could fail due to continuous system use. Repair or replacement of these connectors should only be completed in the field by an Accel-RF technician or at the Accel-RF facility. These connectors and cables are critical to the test set performance and may require special tools to repair.
Accel-RF Corporation recommends that the system be calibrated at least yearly. This calibration should be done on all OEM components, the RFU, PCU, and HCU. The hardware and the software manual go through the calibration procedures. It is recommended that an Accel-RF technician verify the calibration on the RFU, PCU, and HCU units during the yearly service call.
System Quality Control
The AARTS should be check periodically for the quality of the overall system performance. Accel-RF Corporation recommends that the system be calibrated at least yearly. Further, a measurement standard should be tested with the equipment to verify that the results are accurate and consistent on a semi-annual basis. Accel-RF Corporation recommends that the AARTS system be serviced once a year by a trained field technician.